ESF+ Common Indicators Toolbox
Publication date: 1/10/2021
The Regulations (EU) 2021/1060 (Common Provisions Regulation – CPR) and 2021/1057 (ESF+ Regulation) of the European Parliament and the Council define a number of requirements for the monitoring and evaluation of programmes benefitting from ESF+ financial support.
The purpose of this toolbox is foremost to explain the common indicators set by the Regulations for the shared management strand of the ESF+ (i.e. covering former ESF, YEI and FEAD). It also offers practical tips and suggestions. This document is the result of meetings between the Commission and Member States in the Evaluation Partnerships and of the expert advice provided by the ESF Data Support Centre. It builds on past experience from the 2014-2020 programming period1. Continuity with the 2014-2020 programming period is a guiding principle. Unless explicitly stated, all definitions and conventions including the advice provided in the annex D to the 2014-2020 ESF guidance2 remain valid