Cohesion Policy is a central policy of the European Union and a key instrument for achieving fundamental objectives of economic, social and territorial cohesion and solidarity across the Union.
Within the framework of the Cohesion Policy, thousands of projects are being implemented in the cities and regions of the Member States with the aim of creating jobs, enhancing business competitiveness, promoting economic growth and sustainable development, improving the quality of life for citizens.
The implementation of Cohesion Policy is funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the European Social Fund (ESF) and the Cohesion Fund (CF).
Together with the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) and the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF), they make up the European Structural and Investment (ESI) Funds.
Planning the 2014-2020 period
The debate on the future of Cohesion Policy after 2013, began with the publication of the "5th Report on Cohesion Policy" by the European Commission in November 2010, followed by European Commission's proposals for the Multiannual Financial Framework 2014-2020 and the legislative/regulatory framework that will govern the Funds’ function, in June and October 2011 respectively.
With the primary goal of achieving strategy “Europe 2020” for a smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, the Commission introduced a number of significant changes to the way the Cohesion Policy is designed and implemented, such as, rewarding performance, supporting integrated planning, giving emphasis on results-monitoring the progress of achieving objectives, territorial cohesion strengthening and simplification of implementation process.
The key differentiation of this Programming Period over the former (2007-2013) is the adoption of a Common Strategic Framework at Union’s level, which aims at better coordination between the Funds, including the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund.
Particular emphasis is put on the eleven thematic objectives set in the Common Provisions Regulation, upon which the Partnership Agreements (that is the new NSRF of Member States) as well as the Operational Programmes, are based.
In Greece
Especially in our country, the design and preparation of development planning for 2014-2020, was additionally based on the National Reform Programme for Growth and Jobs 2011-2014 and on the relevant Recommendation of the European Council.
Greece participated actively in negotiations with its European partners for the implementation of cohesion policy in the country, on the basis of proposals suggested in a national public consultation that was realized in a sectoral and regional level. At the same time, consultation with relevant geographical units of the European Commission was continuous and its positions were reflected in the Position of the European Commission Services on the development of Partnership Agreement and programmes in Greece for the period 2014-2020.
Regarding ESF, EYSEKT was actively involved in planning processes and in this context, inter alia, it organized the National Development Conference “The role of ESF in the New Programming Period 2014-2020” as well as a series of technical meetings and workshops on designing the Regional Operational Programmes, ESF Conditionalities, Promoting social inclusion in the new period, etc.
ESPA 2014-2020
On May 23rd 2014 the European Commission adopted a "Partnership Agreement" with Greece setting down the strategy for the optimal use of European Structural and Investment Funds in the country's regions and cities for 2014-2020.
On December 2014 the Operational Programmes of the new programming period 2014-2020 were approved and subsequently, the law for the management of the new PA 2014-2020 (Law 4314/2014) was published.
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See also:
- The legislative framework for the programming period 2014-2020
- The role of the ESF in the 2014-2020 period