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Technical meeting "Thematic and General Conditionalities of ESF in the Programming Period 2014-2020: Coverage degree and required actions"


Conditionalities is a new term of the Programming Period 2014-2020, particularly important since it relates to requirements that have to be met by Member States in order to be able to implement relevant co-financed interventions.

As part of finalizing the content of the Partnership Agreement (the new NSRF), the General Secretariat for the Management of European Funds, organized a technical meeting "Thematic and General Conditionalities of ESF during the Programming Period 2014-2020: Coverage degree and required actions", on Thursday, December 12, 2013 in Divani Caravel Hotel. The meeting was attended by officials from the European Commission and the Managing Authorities of ESF operational programmes, as well as other officials from the relevant ministries.

To see related files (agenda and presentations) please visit the relevant greek webpage.


Public body

ESF Actions Co-ordination and Monitoring Authority

Last modification date: 27/12/2013