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The European Social Fund close to the citizens


A brief review of the actions implemented with the ESF co-financing from the beginning of the PA period 2014-2020, was presented by EYSEKT during the PA Annual Review Meeting held in Athens on 13 December 2018.

Dozens of projects are being implemented across the country, benefiting thousands of citizens. Actions to promote employment with a focus on young people, long-term unemployed and vulnerable groups, projects to strengthen the education system at all levels, health projects, projects to support social entrepreneurship, modernize public administration, etc.

Indicatively, some of the structures and actions of social character that are being implemented in this context are presented:


241 Community Centers have already served 201,855 citizens

224 Structures providing basic goods have benefited so far 41,931 citizens

15 Structures for homeless people with 6,159 beneficiaries

72 Day Care Centers for 1,944 elderly people

56 Day Care Centers for the disabled have provided their services to 1,664 people

61 Counselling centers and hostels for women victims of abuse with 11,419 benefiting so far

335,224 children have found their place in nurseries through the “Reconciliation of work and family life” programme.

2,475 students with disabilities and / or special educational needs have received special educational support.

Also, the reform of primary health care with the operation of Local Health Units (TOMs) is in full progress. 101 Units are already in operation.

For more information on the projects that are being launched, please visit the Calls for Proposals section (only available in greek language).


News type

Public body

ESF Actions Co-ordination and Monitoring Authority

Last modification date: 17/1/2019