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Evaluation of the 2014-2018 ESF support to employment and labour mobility, social inclusion, education and training



According to a recent Commission report assessing the European Social Fund (ESF) and Youth Employment Initiative (YEI) support, from 2014 until 2018, 22.3 million participations in ESF actions were recorded (26,3 million including YEI); 52% of participants were women, 60% unemployed and long term unemployed, 43% young people 16-24 years, 48% low skilled people.


Of those participating, nearly 3.2 million persons have already found employment and 3.9 million successfully gained a qualification. Moreover, the ESF and YEI is expected to add nearly 0.33% to the overall GDP growth by 2023. This highlights the ESF’s significant positive social and economic impacts, based on the analysis of ESF support from 2014 to 2018.


The ESF is giving a much-needed boost to Member States’ GDP and – more importantly – is helping Europeans find sustainable and meaningful work. Projects under the ESF have allowed EU citizens to pursue further education and retrain, staying mobile and in a job. This will prove crucial to reverting the pandemic related economic downturn. Positive impacts are shown to be particularly high for low-skilled citizens, the main target of ESF and YEI projects.


The evaluation assesses the effectiveness, efficiency, relevance, coherence and the EU added value including the sustainability of activities funded by the ESF in the period 2014-2018. It also addresses the complementarity and coherence with other relevant initiatives during the period concerned. It covers all Member States during that period (i.e. including the United Kingdom). It builds on the results of separate studies, one for each thematic objective as well as YEI.


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European Commission

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Last modification date: 11/2/2021