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ESF Actions Coordination and Monitoring Authority (EYSEKT)

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The European Social Fund Coordination and Monitoring Authority (EYSEKT) was established in 2001 in order to coordinate the implementation of co-financed by the European Social Fund (ESF) interventions in Greece.


In this context, EYSEKT exercised its coordinating role during the 3rd CSF and the NSRF 2007-2013 programming periods, supporting at the same time the work of Operational Programmes with the preparation of studies, the organization of know-how transfer events, the production of tools and information systems.


Today, within the framework of PA 2014-2020, EYSEKT maintains and enhances its role, operating under the National Coordination Authority of the General Secretariat for Public Investments and PA - Ministry of Development and Investments.



The purpose of EYSEKT is:

  • to monitor the implementation of ESF policies through actions being realized in the country by 4 Sectoral and 13 Regional Operational Programmes,
  • to coordinate the design, the implementation and the evaluation of these actions.

EYSEKT is also a beneficiary of the OP Technical Assistance 2014-2020.



Organisational structure
According to its organisation chart, EYSEKT is structured in five units, i.e.:

Unit A: ESF actions coordination and monitoring of Sectoral OPs
Unit B: ESF actions coordination and monitoring of Regional OPs
Unit C: ESF actions coordination of evaluation
Unit D: Information, communication and technical assistance
Unit E: Organization and support



Central Register of Evaluators

EYSEKT is responsible for running the Central Register of Evaluators (ΕΜΑ), an important tool in the process of documented and objective evaluation of the quality of interventions being co-financed by the European Social Fund in Greece.


For more information click here


Last modification date: 01/03/2022

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