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Do you know what social Europe can do for you?


This is the slogan of the campaign that the European Commission has launched, in order to explain – through a series of events - to the citizens of the member states, what the EU is doing to create more and better jobs, improve working conditions, remove barriers to job mobility, promote equality, fight poverty and social exclusion.

Using scenes from the circus, the campaign shows in a simple and humorous manner, the strategies that the EU has developed to face these important social subjects.

Such events have already taken place in Cyprus, Malta, Slovakia, Czech Republic, UK, France, Portugal and Greece.

Specifically in Greece, events were realised in Thessalonica from 8 until 10/5/2009 and in Komotini in 12 and 13/5/2009, where the Aristotelous and Irinis squares respectively, were decorated in European colours, inviting the citizens to be informed of the ways the initiatives of EU improve the life quality of millions of European citizens.

The visitors had the opportunity to obtain informative material and discuss with representatives of the European Commission and European Parliament as well as institutions that materialise social Europe’s policies in Greece, such as, services and institutions of European Social Fund, Cedefop, Eures, Enterprise Europe Network, Europe Direct, etc.
Particularly with regard to the European Social Fund, the visitors gathered information according to their specific interests in the sectors of employment, education, health and public administration, while they were informed of the ESF projects that were completed during the third Community Support Framework, as well as the projects programmed to materialise through NSRF 2007-2013.
For more information about Social Europe, visit the address:

To see the videos of Social Europe campaign, visit the address:

Public body

ESF Actions Co-ordination and Monitoring Authority

Last modification date: 21/11/2013