New law for the Partnership Agreement (ESPA) 2021-2027
The new law on the Partnership Agreement (ESPA) 2021-2027 was voted on Thursday 17/3. The law regulates issues related to the management, control and implementation of development interventions for the Programming Period 2021-2027, in accordance with the requirements of the relevant EU regulatory framework for the Funds.
The new law attempts to address specific malfunctions identified during the previous programming periods, by taking advantage of the opportunities highlighted in the new EU Regulations.
The main objectives of the law are the efficient use of EU funds, the minimization of delays in the project production process, the timely maturation of projects, the reduction of bureaucracy, the effective dealing with fraud cases, but also the implementation of a coherent policy on supporting beneficiaries.
The effective implementation of the procedures depends on the successful cooperation of the ESPA services and the competent bodies, which is ensured through the creation of special Thematic Networks of coordination and communication.
Finally, the law includes provisions that facilitate the completion of the actions of the previous Programming Period and the smooth transition from the current to the new Programming Period, with the successful operation of all restructured, existing and new ESPA services.
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