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Combating social exclusion and poverty constitutes a key policy priority of all EU Member States. Therefore, social inclusion and equal treatment of groups with cultural particularities represents a special challenge, in the sense that it should ensure both harmonious co-existence within the broader social fabric-on terms of democracy and justice- as well as respect for the personality as necessary prerequisites for social cohesion and prosperity. Every member state is called upon to elaborate a national strategy/national strategic planning on the social inclusion of the Roma.

In Greece, the strategic approach follows the concept of the previous 'Integrated Action Program for the Social Inclusion of Greek Roma (2001-2008)' and adopts specific guidelines, taking into consideration the conclusions of the assessment and results of previous interventions.  Furthermore, the drafting of a long term Multisectoral Action Plan and its specification on the basis of a social operational planning per sector (sectoral operational projects) at regional level (top-down process) are sought after with integrated interventions to be implemented in the municipalities and the country's settlements and on the basis of the required synergy between sectoral and spatial levels and interventions.  

Specifically, the primary objective of the Action Plan is to lift social exclusion conditions and to create the conditions for the social inclusion of the Roma.

The above strategic objective is served by three individual general targets which shall be implemented in short term (2012-2016), midterm (2016-2020) and long term time frame (2020-…).

In particular, per general objective:

Α. Ensuring and guaranteeing 'accommodation'
The first general target includes interventions aimed at covering the needs of the target-group of Roma for acceptable living conditions.

Β.Development of a supportive network of social intervention (in the sectors of employment, education, health and social inclusion)
The second general target involves interventions in the following sectors:
• Education till 2020: increase the number of Roma enrolling and attending compulsory education by offering the corresponding knowledge  
• Employment till 2020 to cut down on undeclared work, enhance accessibility to the labor market and strengthen entrepreneurship particularly amongst young Roma.
• Health-Social Care till 2020 to ensure access to primary Healthcare Service and support of Roma towards the process of full integration.

C. Development of Social dialogue and consensus through social empowerment and participation of Roma themselves.

The foregoing general targets are complemented by horizontal supportive actions taking into consideration the  “10 Basic Principles” on the social inclusion of Roma, as stated in the announcement of the European Commission (COM 2011/173).
These horizontal actions regard:
• Arrangement of civil and municipal status
• Culture
• Awareness raising


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Last modification date: 26/09/2013

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